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Custom Ebook Covers

When you order a custom ebook cover you get it in three different sizes: 600, 400, and 200 pixels wide. The height varies depending on the style. Style refers to the angle you view the ebook from, and Design refers to the actual design.

Skip down the page to see how to order.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 1: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 2: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 3: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 4: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 5: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 6: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 7: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 8: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 9: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

ebook cover style 1 design 1

Ebook Cover Style 10: Design 1

Option 1: Order this style with this design, customized with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $17.

Option 2: Order this style with a one-of-a-kind custom design with your book title, subtitle, and name. Web site address optional. Just $37.

How to Order

When you click one of the order buttons you'll be taken to a secure Paypal order page. During the order process you'll have a chance to enter your instructions: Software name, etc. I need the text you want to use replace the text you see on the ebook for the style you choose if you're ordering the $17 template version.

If you order the $37 custom version you'll need to describe what you want and what text you want on the cover. You'll still need to choose one of the ebook styles (style=ebook positioning).

If you forget to provide the instructions when you order, don't worry, you can send the info via my contact page after you order. If I have questions about your instructions I'll contact you.

See my fancy bottom! :)